Thursday, June 7, 2018

Listen to Bret Weinstein

Some people binge watch Netflix. I binge watch intellectuals.

Lately, I've been binge watching Bret Weinstein. Like many in the intellectual dark web, he takes evolution very seriously. Also in line with his membership with the IDW, Bret (and his wife Heather Heying) skirmished with the Social Justice Warrior left, which eventually concluded with them leaving the college at which they both worked.

With that said, I want to throw a few videos at you. These are some of the best conversations/talks I've heard of Mr. Bret Weinstein.

Boy oh boy. Sam Harris had the interview that really got into the stuff that they burn you at the stake for. Bret is careful and precise as he spoke about populations and liniages, and he brought ideas I had never heard to that conversation.

The conversation ended with an audience Q&A segment. I usually hate these segments, but this one was actually very good.

This talk with Robert Wright was actually the 2nd one they had. The first one wasn't bad, but I had heard the Evergreen story so many times by then. It's truly a miraculous story, I'm just not interested in hearing it the 8th or so time.

Robert Wright seems to think the Intellectual Dark Web skews to the right of the political spectrum. Weinstein places it in the dead center. I would have guessed they were more left-wing than right. I think that's somewhat hidden by the fact that a fair chunk of the criteria for making it into the IDW is based in conflict with the far left (or perhaps better described as the authoritarian left).

This last video is something we need more of. A lot of people like me are now interested in Bret Weinstein, in the same way we were interested in Jordan Peterson. But here's the thing, Peterson had hundreds of fascinating lectures already posted online. Bret Weinstein has 18 at the moment on his Youtube channel.

With Peterson an audience came for the controversy, they stayed for the psychology.
With Weinstein an audience is showing up for the controversy, we just need some more of his biology (and ideas in general) to stick around for.

Weinstein has shown that he can talk about a lot of different subjects in an interesting way. We just need more, and I really really hope we get it, because this guy is totally worth listening to.