Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Economist's Diet Vs. Food insecurity

"The hard truth about the economists' diet, and all diets that actually work, is that you are going to feel hunger at times...

To start, we need to emphasize that hunger is very different from starvation. In our culture, people often say, "I'm starving," "I'm famished," or "I'm so hungry I could die" to describe normal, healthy feelings of hunger. Such words should probably be wiped from our collective Lexicon. Starvation is a real phenomenon that affects far too many people in the world, but we're confident that anyone picking up this book has probably never experienced true starvation -- that is, extreme, prolonged hunger; not what you experience after going a few hours between meals. You're not starving, you're hungry, and that's an okay thing to be."
This is taken from The Economist's Diet by Christopher Payne, and Rob Barnett.

It's hard to mesh this commonsense message with the worry about "food insecurity" going around. Then again, those who preach food insecurity base much of their cause on iffy definitions and deceptive statistics.

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