- Steve Jeffrey mentions me in a post for pointing out Michael Huemer’s book to him. He also points out what is usually missed by evangelicals; that responsibility for sin is not only established only by knowing but not doing, but by culpable ignorance; not knowing but ought to.
- Some, like Russel Roberts (host of Econtalk) have pointed out that measures of income stagnation are corrupted by decreasing household size. Tyler Cowen refutes it and Bryan Caplan refutes him.
- Here is an old debate from the 80s where David Friedman defends libertarian economics from libertarian ethics. David Friedman as usual was very impressive despite looking something like Disco Stu. But surprisingly, his opponent, Mr. George Smith was also very impressive. It reminded me a lot of Bryan Caplan’s debate with Robin Hanson over efficiency vs. liberty
HT: David Henderson
- Why libertarians can’t win by breeding (or many other ideologies for that matter). The reason is that the label stays the same but ideologies change. “libertarians” can win by breeding, but only if the definition of “libertarian” is calling something the word “libertarian”.
This applies to many other breeding strategies.
- A Bryan Caplan classic: 10 things I learned my first 10 years of parenting