Is there a scientific consensus that GMOs (genetically modified foods) are safe? GMO Pundit offers a whole lot of evidence that says yes.
GMO Pundit also cites a nice little meta-study which show that, “the scientific research conducted so far has not detected any significant hazards directly connected with the use of GE crops.”
We have reviewed the scientific literature on GE crop safety during the last 10 years, built a classified and manageable list of scientific papers, and analyzed the distribution and composition of the published literature. We selected original research papers, reviews, relevant opinions and reports addressing all the major issues that emerged in the debate on GE crops, trying to catch the scientific consensus that has matured since GE plants became widely cultivated worldwide. The scientific research conducted so far has not detected any significant hazards directly connected with the use of GE crops; however, the debate is still intense. An improvement in the efficacy of scientific communication could have a significant impact on the future of agricultural GE.