Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cure for Cancer Suppressed


I’ve never heard any reason to believe it, that’s the first tier of defense against this kind of thing. Stories are too often believes just because they fit in with someone’s worldview. The story isn’t necessary to someone’s worldview, but merely compatible. Just tell a story – “something bad because money.”

The second tier defense is this – if they make so much money selling a treatment for cancer, imagine how much they could sell a cure for? It makes me wonder why these people think any better product is ever sold. Why sell cell phones when landlines are so lucrative? Why weren’t CDs suppressed because cassette tapes are worth lots of money? But I’m sure cars that run on water are also suppressed because of oil companies.

I think that people being in love with their fantasy view of things is a critical aspect of the human condition – a fallen condition.