Here are 10 bizarre biblical tales. Several of them are easily captured by the modern Christian Worldview. Miracles aren’t a problem for God (talking donkeys). Many things that strike us as odd today had deep meaning to the people back then (see the story on Moses and God’s backside, or Saul and foreskins). There’s no reason to think that God approved of some of the heinous stories.
I’d like to point attention to a heinous story in which God appears supportive. Consider the story of Elijah:
One of the more inspirational passages in the Bible tells the story of Elijah, a wise man, yet one cursed with male pattern baldness. One day he was minding his own business, making the long walk to Bethel, when he is attacked by a roving band of children who tease him with names like “bald head.” But Elijah was having none of this, he turns round and curses them in the name of the Lord, and instantly two female bears emerge from a nearby wood and maul all 42 children to death.
Let the rationalizations begin!
“"The story doesn’t actually say that the mauling of children was God’s response to Elijah’s curse. It says that Elijah cursed the children, and then two bears emerged and mauled the 42 children. Two events, no causal relationship, “ I’ve heard a Christian give this interpretation. The Christian would sooner believe in this astronomical coincidence then call into question whether the story was made up, or whether God could actually do such a thing.