Sunday, July 29, 2018

Links: July 29th, 2018

1. The left need to get over their IQ phobia.

2. Rachael Maddow recently claimed the White House transcript of the Trump/Putin press conference was deliberately manipulated to exclude the question of whether Putin wanted Trump to win. It turns out that this was more of a technical glitch. The translator spoke over the question so the transcript picked up one and not the other.

I think this is a totally reasonable mistake for Maddow and friends to make. Sometimes you think you caught somebody shading the truth, but you didn't. All that's left is for them to admit their mistake. Because it would be pretty wrong to leave your audience thinking the White House manipulated things when they didn't, right?

"Previously, we thought all of these advanced sauropods originated around 160 million years ago and rapidly diversified and spread across the planet in a time window perhaps as short as 5 million years,' said University College London paleontologist Paul Upchurch, a study co-author. 
'However, the discovery of Lingwulong means that this hypothesis is incorrect and we now have to work with the idea that, actually, this group and its major constituent lineages originated somewhat earlier and more gradually,' Upchurch said."
This reminds me that science frequently gives us the best answer, but the best answer is often not very probable.

4. New in Someone Somewhere did Something: cop shaves homeless guy to help him get job. It seemed to be with the homeless guy's consent. Even better!

5. Chic-fil-a opening in a Toronto near me. I wonder if there will be protests.

6. Related: 5 Radically Conservative Fast Food Companies. Warning: it may ruin your favorite place to eat.

Also, are they really "radically conservative?"