Shit Rich College Kids say, (not my title)
White men make up approximately 36% of the population, but commit 75% of mass shootings. What would be called terrorism by any other skin tone is suddenly some mysterious unnamed disease. We as a society are perfectly happy to further stigmatize mentally ill people, who are far more likely to be victims of violence than commit violence, in the service of protecting white supremacy and male entitlement.
Black Crime =Gang Violence. Arab Crime = Terrorism. Hispanic Crime = Illegal immigration. White Crime = No crime, he was just insane.
here we go again. white kid carries out plan to murder people and already the mainstream media is going through with the “he was disturbed,” “he was mentally ill” and “he was insane” spin on the story. gotta protect that image of white purity and innocence no matter what.
1. I've never met anybody who thinks that people who kill in mass must have some unnamed disease.
2. I've never met anybody who blankets terrorism over mass killings, no matter what the race. What is unique to terrorism is the pursuit of political aims.
3. I've never met anybody who is perfectly happy stigmatizing people with mental disabilities.
4. I think most people define gang violence as violence done by a gang, not violence done by black people.
5. I think most people define Terrorism as violence in pursuit of political aims, not Arab crime.
6. I think most people define Illegal immigration as moving to a country in spite of laws stating they can’t.
7. I think most people define insanity by severely abnormal mental and behavioral problems.
8. I think it is at least possible that the kind of violence predicts the race of the person committing it. E.g. gang violence is committed disproportionately by black people. That is not the same as the race being a strong predictor of whether they’re criminals. E.g. Black people are not all committing gang violence.
9. I’ve never met anyone who systematically excuses white crime for insanity.
10. I think that a racist culture or racist society doesn’t need to pretend like it’s not racist. The fact that racism paranoids have to crack the secret language of the our white supremacy society indicates that it is not really a white supremacy society. Racists in a racist society don’t need to hide.