Saturday, June 27, 2015

Donald Hoffman on Evolution Favoring Inaccurate Perceptions

His examples of inaccurate perceptions in animal kingdom are not illustrations of nature selecting the fit, but of killing the unfit. "Does natural selection really favor seeing reality as it is?" He does not offer empirical evidence for the answer, "no", and I don't know of any examples.

A better question is this, "with all the ways natural selection has of choosing inaccurate perceptions, why should we expect it to choose accurate perceptions?"

It goes along with, "with all the ways natural selection has of choosing irrationality, why should we expect it to choose rationality?"

When we treat evolution like it isn't based on accurate perceptions or rationality, we treat evolution not as theory but as something sacred. So when evolution kills rationality or accurate perceptions, with what is evolution being treated?