Monday, June 25, 2018

How do Democrats win 2020?

I have one or two ideas:

1. Say “America” more

2. Say “Racist” less

3. Promote a brand not an ideology

4. Don’t dismiss libertarians as right-wing. There are a lot of them, and they will vote for you if you’re good to them.

5. Say something anti-PC once in a while (like this guy)

6. Do just enough to get the vote of the Social Justice people, and then distance yourself from them

7. Nominate a minority

8. But not an atheist or a muslim

9. Don't affirmative action a completely unelectable minority into place just so you can say you had one (like this guy)

10. And once you have a non-atheist non-muslim electable minority, don’t talk about how they’re a minority.

11, Hope to God Trump doesn’t run again. He’s an intuitive political genius and a branding machine.

12. If Trump runs keep the spotlight off him

13. If Trump runs remember that there's enough to criticize in him without misinterpreting him in weird ways

14. If Trump does run don’t let him bait you into portraying yourself like this:

15. Instead remember this guy:

16. Take back your reputation for being pro free speech

17. Don’t talk about guns, immigration, or abortion

18. Talk about marijuana, gay marriage, and international peace

19. Not nominating a celebrity might seem like it’s on the wrong side of the trend, but it’s on the right side of the pendulum.

20. Remember that Americans want lower taxes, more spending, and a reduction in the deficit. Pretend like that makes any sense.

21. Unlearn that the electoral college is why you lost

22. Unlearn that not electing Bernie Sanders is why you lost

23. Unlearn that racist backlash is why you lost

24. It is possible to talk about helping poor people without talking about hurting rich people

25. Don’t limit your moral appeal by only connecting on care and fairness. Authority, sanctity, purity, and liberty are moral intuitions too

26. Remember health is holy

27. Remember education is holy

28. Remember the environment is holy

29. Remember the constitution is holy

30. Remember the founders are holy

31. Remember democracy is holy

32. Don’t think that if the other side does it, it’ll work for you.

33. Mention God once or twice and in the absolute most generic way possible

34. Nominate someone without the slightest smidge of elitism

35. Say "family" more

36. Say "sexist" less

37. No, America is not ready to take on the trans issue at the federal level, unless you're talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership

38. Nominate someone with a strong enough presence that people feel like they're voting for a person, not a party.

39. Don't let the right monopolize the equality of opportunity message. You want equality of opportunity too, remember?

40. Wear compassion without putting on moral condemnation

41. Don't nominate a socialist. Instead, nominate someone who knows the term"mixed economy"

42. Don't trust cable news to help you. They're losing credibility rapidly because they abandoned even the guise of neutrality. #fakenews

43. Which reminds me: stop crying wolf

44. Speak in clear simple language. If you can't communicate with people with under 100 IQ, you can't communicate with half the American population.

45. Don't force your candidate so far left in the primaries that they can't credibly pivot back to the center for the general election.

46. They look better in identity politics than you do

47. The center is disappearing. Everybody is polarized. Grab the moderates that are left like its the last 5 seconds of Hungry Hungry Hippos

48. If you're not hearing from the other side it doesn't mean you're winning, it might mean you've frightened people away from voicing their opinion.

49. The person you think is least likely to win is the one to watch out for.

51. Joe Biden should be the one (if you want to win)