Friday, June 22, 2018

(Links) Why Trump can never win and still might

1. Cherry picking the evidence on GMOs

2. You're Still Crying Wolf by Scott Alexander has been updated

3. Trump will never win in 2020

4. Gender Gap:
    -What people miss about the Gender Wage Gap -Vox
    -Are Women Paid less than Men? -The Economists
    -Don't Mind the Gap -Oxford Institute of Population Ageing

5. Everything's Awesome Nobody is Happy, Malthus edition:
Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio, Subsistence, increases only in an arithmetical ratio.
Sure about that?

6. Sorry kid, I still don't know how to cook my own dinner

7. Why we should arbitrarily deplore sexual harassers (for the same reason we arbitrarily deplore chemical weapon users (Response here)

8. IQ might predict something